Cherry tree blossoms in full bloom - Laurelhurst park

This is the time of year when Cherry trees burst into full color with their extravagant blossoms. In some countries, such as Japan and China, observing Cherry trees in bloom is almost a national pastime. These images come from a Cherry tree that I found a few weeks ago in Laurelhust park (Portland Oregen).

The day was a bit overcast and it was about an hour and a half before sunset so the sunlight was not overhead. The tree was also shaded by some rather large Sequoias and Douglas fir tree which made for a pretty soft light.

Portland, Oregon has a number of great park similar to Laurelhurst of which my favorite is Mount Tabor park, located near 60th and Yamhill in southeast Portland.


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  2. Dan -- thanks for your visit to my Oahu blog. I didn't properly identify the Shaving Brush tree out of laziness. Sorry. Here is a link to my partner's blog. He's a botanist and wrote a much more informative post about the tree. I was trying to dazzle. He educates!

  3. Thanks for the great link to a very informative post about the Pseudobombax elliptica (Shaving bush tree). I´ll have to tag that blog for more exploration.

  4. What beautiful photos. The park looks fantastic. I would sure like to see it some day. I have a friend in Portland, so maybe I'll schedule a visit next time I go up there. I didn't even know this park was there. I'll also keep in my Mount Tabor park.

  5. These may be one of the best medium size trees for Portland Parks, because they can grow just as good, if not better sometimes, without added irrigation.

  6. The tallest Douglas fir in this park is around 170 feet tall. I measured it with a SUNTO inclinometer.
